PSYCHOTEHRAPY IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE: Overall psychotherapeutic methods (psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy) have a response rate of approximately 80 percent (i.e. roughly 8 out of 10 people report improvements after psychotherapy) and all psychotherapeutic methods produce similar beneficial effects [1-3]. The most important influence on treatment efficacy, aside from the personalities of the client and the therapist, is the relationship (therapeutic alliance) between the client and therapist [1, 2].
PSYCHOANALYSIS PRODUCES GREATER AND LONGER LASTING BENEFITS THAN OTHER METHODS. Studies have shown that 3 to 10 years after therapy clients who underwent psychoanalysis showed better personal and social functioning than those treated with other long-term psychotherapeutic methods [4-7].
QUALITY OF LIFE CONTINUES TO IMPROVE ONCE PSYCHOANALYSIS HAS ENDED. Apart from the fact that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is similarly effective when compared with other psychotherapeutic methods [1, 8], many clients choose psychoanalytic psychotherapy because it enhances quality of life in the long run [4, 9, 10]. Studies have shown the positive effects of psychoanalytic psychotherapy are enduring and that clients continue to improve after treatment has finished [11].
THE VARIOUS PSYCHOTEHRAPEUTIC METHODS ARE SIMILARLY EFFECTIVE. Although some studies have suggested that psychoanalytic psychotherapy is the best treatment for depression [12] whereas cognitive behavioral psychotherapy is the best treatment for bulimia [13], most studies indicate that all psychotherapeutic methods have similar effectiveness [1, 2, 14].
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